Shaved my head. Nice in the Seattle heat. Hair is kinda a vanity say the Buddhist Monks (not the band- the religious practitioners).
Rented The Source from Block Buster Online- a film about The Beats and Beat Generation. Very well made. I'm on a Jack Kerouac trip again. To the right is a case I built for some of my Model and Die-Cast Cars. The walls of my recording studio and bedroom are covered with 1/64th scale Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning and Matchbox cars as well. Is this a treatable disease? Also caught the end of Repo Man on Starz Channel this morning. They have the same kinda Biohazard Guys in that film that I have in Hot Rod Girls Save The World. I must have inadvertently borrowed the idea- as I saw Repo Man right when it came out in the 1980's. Still I didn't remember the Biohazard Guys until I saw it again today. HRGSTW is definitely the same kind of Dark Comedy that Repo Man is- maybe if you mixed Clerks with Repo Man and a little Dawn Of The Dead you'd come up with a recipe for the attitude Hot Rod Girls Save The World. I don't know...I'm just talkin' out my ass. I need to get back to the editing.