Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2013
Overkill Magazine Rant
OK, so I picked up the new issue of Overkill Magazine because of Andy Wickenheiser's '61 Dodge Gasser Wagon article, a car I first saw in Ol' Skool Rodz years and years ago. I thought something was suspicious as I thumbed through this johnny come lately mag, then noticed it is a side product of Hot Rod Magazine. So this is HRM's second attempt to start a Rat Rod publication- first came the failed Hot Rod Deluxe and now Overkill. So what who cares- right? This isn’t as big a deal as Phil Robertson getting banned from Duckshit Dynasty (thats a joke people, so suck it up). I am sure that HRM's publishing company sees all the guys buying tons of Car Kulture Deluxe & Ol' Skool Rodz and Rat Rod Magazine and they want in on some of that extra ad revenue, so they start Overkill. Happens all the time, copycats are copycats are copycats. But what chapped my ass was, in an article about Ray LaFaver's Ford they say, "after he parked next to his buddy Aussie Pete's bitchin', overkilled '28 Dodge truck..." "Overkilled"? WTF?!? You guys are trying soooo hard to be cool and influence the "scene" that you try weakly to justify your magazines lame catch phrase-ish brand name title by slipping it into articles as a hip descriptive? Fuckers. They are called Rat Rods (one way) or Traditional Hot Rods (the other way) but not Overkilled™ In fact "overkill" means to do sometime over the top, in grandiose manner, etc.- if anything these cars are lo-fi or underkill. This reminds me of all the poseurs that jumped on the Punk Rock bandwagon in the 80's. I got into fist fights at High School with the jock rockers (circa 1981) when I cut all my hair off. Two years later they all had my haircut. Overkill Magazine should change their name to "Let Me On Your Rat Rod Bandwagon...Please...We Got Cash!" Fuck.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
My Song In New Film "Screen"
Horror indie-film Screen (Directed by David Baker) hits Vimeo on Demand in a few days. I was lucky enough to get one of my songs in the film (Kill Switch....Klick - Hemi Charger). David is a very talented and hard working film maker whose previous film Mission X was a gritty mercenary pseudo-documentary with killer action sequences. Screen looks intense.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Antidote Rack Extension and Work Work Work
Just got my hands on the trial version of Synapses Antidote Synth. Amazingly huge sounds from this third party virtual synth for Reason software. I am in love with the pads and effects section. Sadly it's $149, which as a plug-in is too much money. I will end up buying it anyway.
I haven't been posting much because I've been working massive amounts of overtime the last few weeks. Good for the pocket book, but not good for editing projects, etc.
I haven't been posting much because I've been working massive amounts of overtime the last few weeks. Good for the pocket book, but not good for editing projects, etc.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Hard Drive Blues
Had a 3TB drive start to give me trouble yesterday. May be dead and may have lost the two most recent car shows I filmed. I had backups on two other drives for most of my work, but I didn't get these two into the backup. Ack. Considering Cloud storage.
Monday, September 2, 2013
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