Monday, April 20, 2015

Evil Undead Girlfiend Promo Stills

Finally got time to edit some more promo stills for the Evil Undead Girlfiend: The Re-Animation Of Issa Kross book/film/graphic novel project. Husband and wife photographer team Zombie Crush took the original pics around 3 years ago (with white backdrop), with models Becky Lee (as Ingvar Chienne) and Smookie Tiger (as Issa Kross) .  The purpose was to flush out the characters looks, costumes and stance, helping me to write the stories and giving potential publishers/comic artists strong visuals to work with. For this set I wanted Issa to have a green/gold tone and Ingvar (her nemesis) to have a blue/grey tone. I think it works. The guns were "DieselPunk" designs I got off Etsy and are just painted and modified toy and Nerf guns. I did all the graphics and backgrounds. The skye were shots I took in Seattle with my cheap Fuji digital camera. The green slabs behind Issa were close-ups of moss covered cemetery markers in North Seattle. Issa is also holding a Dodge/Plymouth style pistol grip shifter as an impromptu weapon.

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