Monday, March 25, 2002

Jimmy Buffet

All you can eat buffet...ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET! There is something special about the All You Can Eat Buffet for us Middle Class Americans. I saw Tom Cruise on Barbara Walters last night after the Oscars. You would never see Tom in the All You Can Eat Buffet. Unless of course it was the Cannes Film Festival All You Can Eat Buffet. That would be like $200 (or 1,000,000 francs) a person. All the stars would be in line, "Hey Quinton -don't hog all the escargot..." We ate at the All You Can Eat Buffet tonight. Not the one at the Cannes Film Festival of course. I think my gut is busted. That and my eyes itch from allergies. I'm in bad shape. Pretty good food at the All You Can Eat Buffet though. All the old folks and big families were there. If you had a family with like 5 kids in it, you would frequent the All You Can Eat Buffet. It would become a way of life, like Zen Buddhism or something. "Yes my son, you may partake of the fried chicken but do not try the day old mashed potatoes." I gotta lay down.

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